Jesse Alexander


Chiropractor Jesse Alexander grew up in a small town on the northern peninsula of Michigan, America. His first experience with chiropractic was at the age of 10. Since then, he has received regular chiropractic treatment and has dedicated his life to learning everything he can about this wonderful way of health care so he can help others improve their lives.

After graduating Cum Laude from the Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2006, he first moved to Adelaide in Australia. During his time there he worked as a chiropractor and completed post-doctoral training in functional neurology at the Carrick Institute for graduate studies. In 2009 he completed a 3-year course and obtained his DACNB (Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Neurology Board) titel (

Physical therapist

More about Jesse

In 2010 he moved to the Netherlands and now lives in Amsterdam. In his spare time Jesse reads a lot and continues his studies in Functional Neurology. He also regularly goes to the cinema, travels regularly and practices various sports.

In addition to the regular complaints, Jesse is the right place for complaints such as Distonia, Tremors, Cluster Headaches, POTTS, Concussions and Tinitus.

Member of the Dutch Chiropractors Association (NCA) and registered with the Netherlands Chiropractic Foundation (SCN). Member of Chiropractic Functional Neurology Netherlands (CFNN). Member of the European Chiropractors Union (ECU) and the World Federation of Chiropractors (WFC). Member of the Specialty Interest Group in Neurology (SIG neuro).

Jesse Alexander