

Testing posture by manipulating sensory inputs

What is posturography?

At Amsterdam Brain Center, we utilize the Comprehensive Assessment of Postural Systems (CAPS®) technology, a highly precise posturography tool endorsed by the International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR), offering unparalleled accuracy in measuring balance and stability through its self-leveling force platform with 0.1 mm accuracy and 0.05 mm precision and resolution.

How does Posturography work?

CAPS® allows a subject to be tested both statically and dynamically through a series of 10 and 25 second tests. These static tests are performed on a solid surface with the subject’s eyes open, eyes closed, and eyes closed using mathematical calculations.

Dynamic tests are performed on a disturbed surface or foam pad, including the same tests already mentioned, as well as with the eyes closed with the head in different positions. The completion of each test is recorded and the subject is given an overall stability score. This is compared with normative data for their age, height and weight.

Why is posturography important?

Balance control involves complex and interconnected physiological pathways. The purpose of these paths is to maintain posture, facilitate correct movements and restore balance.

These tasks are accomplished through the coordination of multiple body systems, including the vestibular (detection of angular and linear translations or accelerations), the visual (visual representation of the world around you), and the proprioceptive (perception of spatial orientation via muscle and joint positioning).

These elements are integrated into the brain stem and form an important area of ​​the brain also related to the coordination of eye movements and the regulation of autonomic functions.

Your road to recovery

One week of intensive treatment

Step 1

The Functional Neurological Examination (FNE)

You share your symptoms with us, prompting us to ask relevant questions and conduct a thorough Neurological Examination. This process allows us to assess whether our treatment is well-suited to your needs.

Step 2

Advanced Machine Testing (quantification)

Based on Step 1, we determine what tests are necessary to quantify the underlying cause of the symptoms. To do this, we use a range of computer-controlled equipment.

Step 3

Rehabilitation week (in 5 days)

We address the problems. Through an individual program specifically tailored to your problems, we bring back function during an intensive week of treatment.

Step 4


After the 5-day intensive treatment week, we will give you homework assignments. These are exercises that further promote your recovery. We are happy to keep an eye on these developments with you.

How does posturography help?

Manipulating the subject’s sensory environment by reducing visual (eyes closed), proprioceptive (disturbed surface) and vestibular (head in different positions) feedback – in addition to introducing a secondary task (mathematical calculations) – provides insight into how each system contributes to overall balance and stability. Furthermore, this provides insight into the ability of those systems to process and recalibrate the available sensory information. This may reveal underlying sensorimotor mechanisms that contribute to balance disorders.

Although specific stability scores do not directly correlate with disease or dysfunction, subject performance can be assessed based on sway patterns, changes in center of pressure, latency of responses, among others. These reflect which systems or parts of the brain may not be functioning optimally, as seen in concussion, traumatic brain injury, peripheral neuropathies, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Additional conditions found include stroke, vestibular disorders, aging, and many other conditions that affect neurological function.

What to expect during treatment

What can you expect after treatment?

After treatment during our intensive treatment week, you can expect quick to very quick results. It is likely that you will still be tired for the first few days/weeks because your brain needs to process all the activity of the past week. However, your brain is resilient and adapts well due to its neuroplasticity. You may be a little more irritable during this period and sometimes experience mild headaches. However, this is temporary; there are no permanent side effects. With the passage of time, these symptoms will disappear and you will begin to notice more and more the effect of the therapy.

We can imagine that you still have questions after looking at our website

For further details, kindly contact our clinic. You will be connected with one of our dedicated assistants.