Hand-eye coordination training
Good hand-eye coordination is crucial in nearly all aspects of life
What is hand-eye coordination?
Hand-eye coordination is important in all aspects of life, from daily activities to high-level sports. Individuals who are able to process a greater amount of visual information in a shorter time period may have a competitive advantage over slower counterparts.
This is especially true concerning athletes. Rapid processing of information and responding appropriately is also crucial in the daily activities necessary for survival and can be functional for an individual’s overall cognitive status.
How does hand-eye coordination?
Why is hand-eye coordination important?
Hand-eye coordination is crucial because it enables individuals to perform tasks that require the synchronization of visual input with hand movements. This ability is essential for activities such as driving, typing, playing sports, and even simple tasks like pouring a drink or using utensils. Strong hand-eye coordination allows for precise and efficient movement, enhancing performance across various daily activities and tasks. Additionally, in fields such as sports and certain professions, superior hand-eye coordination can provide a competitive advantage, allowing individuals to react quickly and accurately to visual stimuli.
Your road to recovery
One week of intensive treatment
Step 1
The Functional Neurological Examination (FNE)
You share your symptoms with us, prompting us to ask relevant questions and conduct a thorough Neurological Examination. This process allows us to assess whether our treatment is well-suited to your needs.
Step 2
Advanced Machine Testing (quantification)
Based on Step 1, we determine what test are necessary to quantify the underlying cause of the symptoms. To do this, we use a range of computer-controlled equipment.
Step 3
Rehabilitation week (in 5 days)
We address the problems. Through an individual program specifically tailored to your problems, we bring back function during an intensive week of treatment.
Step 4
After the 5-day intensive treatment week, we will give you homework assignments. These are exercises that further promote your recovery. We are happy to keep an eye on these developments with you.
How does hand-eye coordination help?
Response times, accuracy, and speed of movements can be assessed both as the subject plays and when a definitive response time is generated. Due to the extensive connections and integration involved in processing this information, any detected deviations can be correlated to a subclinical area. This area runs along the neuronal axis, which can cause issues related to cognitive disorders, balance problems, visual impairments, degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and even psychological disorders such as schizophrenia.
Although this type of training has traditionally been used for the rehabilitation of athletes and individuals seeking performance optimization, its use is not limited to that. Due to the above implications in the same parts of the brain, the D2 has also become a standard device used in neurorehabilitation, stroke recovery, and the assessment and rehabilitation of concussions.
What to expect during treatment
What can you expect after treatment?
After treatment during our intensive treatment week, you can expect quick to very quick results. It is likely that you will still be tired for the first few days/weeks because your brain needs to process all the activity of the past week. However, your brain is resilient and adapts well due to its neuroplasticity. You may be a little more irritable during this period and sometimes experience mild headaches. However, this is temporary; there are no permanent side effects. With the passage of time, these symptoms will disappear and you will begin to notice more and more the effect of the therapy.