Measurement and analysis of rapid, involuntary movements of the eyes that shift gaze from one point to another.
What is Saccadometry?
Saccades are rapid eye movements that allow for rapid changes in gaze direction. A saccadometer is the technology of choice used to evaluate saccades because it is invasive and objectively analyzes eye movements. This method maps eye movements moving at hundreds of degrees per second.
Why is saccadometry important?
Saccades are triggered by objects seen or heard, retrieved from memory or recruited as a component from an involuntary, natural strategy of scanning the environment. It is important to study saccades because of the many brain regions required to generate not only fast, but also appropriate, purposeful and accurate movements.
Saccades are analyzed using three different characteristics: latency, amplitude and velocity. Studying this is a way to understand the function of specific parts of the brain and nerve pathways.
How does saccadometry work?
This latency, or time taken to process the target presentation, is used to understand aspects of saccade programming related to visual processing, target selection and motor programming. These are strongly associated with the integrity of the frontal lobe (executive center) and superior colliculus.
To achieve clear, stable single vision, the control of eye movements must be precise, with a strong dependence on the vestibular system (balance and coordination center) and the cerebellum (fine motor center). This is needed to reference spatial maps for proper speed and position commands.
Because saccades are short, the eye cannot be trusted to be guided to the target. Therefore, the degrees per second (speed) at which the eyes move toward the intended target is important. This so that disorientation does not occur during this period.
Your road to recovery
One week of intensive treatment
Step 1
The Functional Neurological Examination (FNE)
You share your symptoms with us, prompting us to ask relevant questions and conduct a thorough Neurological Examination. This process allows us to assess whether our treatment is well-suited to your needs.
Step 2
Advanced Machine Testing (quantification)
Based on Step 1, we determine what test are necessary to quantify the underlying cause of the symptoms. To do this, we use a range of computer-controlled equipment.
Step 3
Rehabilitation week (in 5 days)
We address the problems. Through an individual program specifically tailored to your problems, we bring back function during an intensive week of treatment.
Step 4
After the 5-day intensive treatment week, we will give you homework assignments. These are exercises that further promote your recovery. We are happy to keep an eye on these developments with you.
How does Saccadometry help?
One of the most impressive aspects of ocular motor control is the way the brain constantly monitors its performance. In the face of disease and aging, the brain adjusts its strategies for this purpose. Therefore, the evaluation of saccades – because of the tremendous coordination and integration required – is a valuable tool to identify different conditions that may have pathognomonic abnormalities.
Diseases targeting the cerebellum may have subclinical findings that can be identified in areas affecting associations with spatial orientation, memory, cognition or motor control.
Other conditions that affect these aforementioned association areas (which may have an effect on saccadic function) include: multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease (and/or stroke), neurodevelopmental disorders and degenerative diseases.
What to expect during treatment
What can you expect after treatment?
After treatment during our intensive treatment week, you can expect quick to very quick results. It is likely that you will still be tired for the first few days/weeks because your brain needs to process all the activity of the past week. However, your brain is resilient and adapts well due to its neuroplasticity.
You may be a little more irritable during this period and sometimes experience mild headaches. However, this is temporary; there are no permanent side effects. With the passage of time, these symptoms will disappear and you will begin to notice more and more the effect of the therapy.